Each of these trees carries with it unique qualities and a symbolic history that can resonate deeply with the individual and his or her loved ones, making the choice of tree for the ashes after cremation not only personal but also imbued with profound meanings.

Please Note: The tree is not sold with the Tree urn, but you can choose the tree of your choice at your local tree nursery.

Ash tree

A symbol of inner strength and protection, ash is often chosen to represent someone who has been a pillar of strength for their family or community. It also evokes the connection between heaven and earth.

Apple tree

Symbolizing love, fertility and youth, the apple tree can be chosen for a person who has brought joy, love and vitality into the lives of others.


Associated with wisdom, knowledge and patience, the beech can symbolize a thoughtful person, often regarded as a pillar of wisdom in those around him or her.


Representing rebirth and new beginnings, birch is ideal to symbolize someone who has always embraced change and personal growth. It can also evoke purity and simplicity.


Representing strength, endurance and majesty, the cedar is ideal to symbolize a person of great character, who lived with principle and integrity, often seen as a source of inspiration by those around them.

Cherry tree

Associated with the beauty and fragility of life, the cherry blossom is a reminder of the ephemeral nature of existence. It is often chosen for those who have lived a short but meaningful life, full of beauty and joy.


Associated with fortitude and character, the chestnut may represent a person known for integrity and resilience in the face of challenges.

Chestnut tree

Symbolizing inner strength, reliability and quiet beauty, the chestnut tree is often chosen for a person whose presence was reassuring and calming, a true pillar in his or her community or family.


Traditionally associated with mourning, cypress also symbolizes eternal life and the immortality of the soul. It can be chosen to represent a deeply spiritual person, or to evoke the continuity of life after death.


Symbolizing love and fidelity, linden is often chosen to represent someone devoted to family and loved ones, characterized by unconditional love and loyalty.


Representing nobility, perseverance and beauty, magnolia is ideal for someone who has lived their life with remarkable grace and dignity, overcoming adversity with strength and elegance.


A symbol of wisdom and longevity, the maple is often associated with independence and quiet strength. It can represent a person who has lived a full and rich life, marked by knowledge and learning.

Olive tree

In many cultures, the fig tree symbolizes abundance, fertility and gentleness. This tree could represent someone who has played a nurturing role in her life, offering unconditional support and love.


A symbol of longevity, perseverance and resilience, pine is often chosen to represent someone who has overcome obstacles with strength and dignity, standing tall despite the storms of life.

The Oak

Oak is a powerful symbol in many cultures around the world, often associated with strength, resilience and nobility. Its imposing stature and longevity make it an emblem of durability and power. Oak represents a person of solid character, someone who is perceived as a pillar of stability and reliability in his or her community or family. It also evokes wisdom acquired over time, a wisdom as deep-rooted as the tree’s branches are wide and its roots are deep-rooted. Choosing the oak to lay to rest after cremation may symbolize a desire to immortalize these qualities of inner strength, integrity and resilience in the face of adversity.



Eucalyptus is renowned for its healing, purifying properties, fresh scent and rapid growth. This tree symbolizes healing and protection, offering a sanctuary of peace and renewal. In the context of the final resting place, eucalyptus can represent a person who had a refreshing and invigorating effect on those around them, someone whose presence was a source of comfort and healing. Eucalyptus can also evoke the ability to adapt and thrive in diverse conditions, reflecting a life lived with resilience and flexibility. Opting for eucalyptus could symbolize the wish to leave behind a legacy of renewal, encouraging loved ones to seek healing and continue to grow, even in the physical absence of the deceased.


Representing hope, rebirth and transformation, poplar is often chosen for someone who has embraced change throughout their life, always looking to the future.


A symbol of longevity, grandeur and resilience, the redwood is often chosen to represent individuals who have lived remarkable lives, characterized by strength, dignity and impressive stature, both literally and figuratively.


A symbol of protection and guidance, the rowan is often chosen to represent a person who has acted as a protector or guide, offering support and wisdom to those around them.

The almond tree

Associated with promise, vigilance and renewal, the almond tree can represent a person who has always kept hope and faith in the future, even in difficult times.

The fig tree

In many cultures, the fig tree symbolizes abundance, fertility and gentleness. This tree could represent someone who has played a nurturing role in her life, offering unconditional support and love.


Associated with intelligence, wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge, walnut can symbolize a person passionate about learning, reflection and intellectual discovery.