LAW n° 130 of March 30, 2001 – Provisions relating to cremation and the scattering of ashes.
The present law governs the funeral practice of cremation and, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased, the scattering of ashes.
The scattering of ashes is authorized, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased, only in areas specially designated for this purpose within cemeteries or in nature or private spaces; scattering in private spaces must take place outdoors and with the agreement of the owners, and may under no circumstances give rise to lucrative activities; the scattering of ashes is in any case prohibited in inhabited centers, as defined by article 3, paragraph 1, number 8), of the legislative decree of April 30, 1992, n. 285 (New Highway Code); scattering in the sea, lakes and rivers is permitted in areas free of ships and objects ;